Hang with me here…

Thinking, Dreaming, Traveling, Living

  • Life

    Gone are the days of blind belief. But are the days of faith gone also? Belief maligns faith as it takes the intellect of faith for granted. But as our heads dialog with our hearts, and as faith reckons with our sense of reason, what might be next and why does it matter?

  • Faith

    We want to know what we think and why we might think it. Taking into account our social contexts and locations, deeply thinking about what it might mean to be human in the world and time in which we live, and how faith engagement impacts and shapes all of it, we take the wager that the quests worth it.

  • Grit and Gumption

    It is quite the responsibility to claim Christianity, or post-Christianity, for that matter in the 21st century. An equal and ample amount of grit and gumption provide us with stamina, resilience, the perfect amount of foolishness, and a wisdom that says this is our shot. Our one shot. So let’s go for it.

Maybe you’ve read my books, or engaged some of my work. Maybe we’ve had a conversation. Perhaps we have connected over social media on life, love, travel, cocktails, theology, philosophy, politics, or the myriad of other beautiful and tragic things that make up this life we are living together. Well, I want to stay in touch and share more of it all. Where it will take us, I can’t say. But sign up below to stay in the know on all the latest, from books to events, publishing to lectures, travel to talks. I’m going to give you the best of what I have and resource you as well as I can for this post-Christian journey we are on.


Living, Traveling, Dreaming, Thinking,

Living, Traveling, Dreaming, Thinking,